Sunday, August 15, 2010

Watch Philadelphia Phillies vs New York Mets Live stream August 15,2010

Watch Philadelphia Phillies vs New York Mets Live stream August 15,2010 Sign Up and Relax, Enjoy MLB Streaming for 3 years. Sign Up once and Watch MLB Online Broadcast on your Desktop, Laptop, Office.

8:05 PM ET, August 15, 2010
Citi Field, New York, NY
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Les Phillies de Philadelphie et les Mets de New York n'ont rien fait, mais blanchissages jouer au Citi Field de cette année. Si cette tendance se poursuit, les Mets peut être plus de chances de l'emporter dimanche.

New York enverra Mike Pelfrey et sa marque de 3-0 carrière chez Citi Field contre les Phillies au monticule dimanche soir à la finale de cette série de trois matchs.

Les Mets (58-58) a remporté leurs quatre premières confrontations à la maison avec les Phillies (65-51) cette année par jeu blanc, avant de Philadelphie a finalement marqué à Citi Field dans une victoire 4-0 samedi as Roy Halladay a huit manches. Halladay a également marqué la première exécution des Phillies de manches 38 à New York, le single de Placido Polanco au troisième trimestre.

C'est le seul point mérité pour Philadelphie. Les Phillies a fait 2-0 lorsque Jimmy Rollins a marqué le deuxième but recrue erreur Ruben Tejada dans le cinquième, et a ajouté deux points de plus Merci à une erreur de All-Star joueur de troisième but David Wright dans le sixième.

Philadelphie, qui avait un seul coup, vendredi, la perte 1-0, tiré dans les deux jeux de la première place à Atlanta à l'Est NL.

«Tout le monde se sent comme si nous étions une équipe prétendant, dit Halladay, qui n'a jamais lancé dans les séries éliminatoires. "Tout le monde se sent comme nous allons être dans le vif du sujet. Vous essayez de monter la même comme vous le feriez de toute façon, mais c'est nettement plus fun en sachant qu'il pourrait y avoir quelque chose de bon sur la route."

démarreurs Mets, en attendant, sont de 4-2 avec une mpm de 1,12 au cours de leurs sept derniers matchs.

Cela comprend un effort énorme mardi par Pelfrey (11-6, 3,95 ERA), qui a donné quatre coups sûrs en sept manches pour outduel 17-jeu gagnant Ubaldo Jimenez dans une victoire de 1-0 sur le Colorado. Pelfrey avait été 0-4 avec une mpm de 9,24 sur ses six derniers départs.

"On aurait dit qu'il était attaquant," gestionnaire de Jerry Manuel a dit. "Je pense que Mike sur le chemin du retour."

Le virage à droite est 3-0 avec une mpm de 2,42 en quatre sorties de carrière au sein de Citi Field contre les Phillies, y compris une victoire 3-0 le 27 mai à laquelle il a duré sept manches. Pelfrey est 7-2 avec une mpm de 3,14 en 13 départs à la maison en 2010.

Ce sera la première sortie au Citi Field pour Kyle Kendrick (7-5, 4,60), qui est de 2-2 avec une mpm de 3,34 en six carrière commence contre les Mets. Il les a rencontrés une fois cette année, ce qui donne quatre points sur cinq manches 9-1 à domicile dans une perte de 30 avril.

Les Mets Jeff Francouer frappé la longue balle hors Kendrick dans ce concours, et est de 9 à 22 dans sa carrière contre lui. Francouer peut commencer le dimanche comme un résultat.

Kendrick a donné six points en 3 1 / 3 manches mardi à une perte 15-9 à domicile pour les Dodgers. Le droitier a été de 2-0 avec une mpm de 1,86 sur ses trois précédents commence.

Mets plus Francisco Rodriguez a été hué samedi, quand il est retourné au monticule, quelques heures après il s'est excusé auprès de ses coéquipiers et les supporters pour une altercation physique au Citi Field qui a abouti à son arrestation et de suspension de deux jours. Rodriguez a travaillé une manche sans but.

"Si j'étais un fan, Rodriguez a dit:« Je voudrais aussi me huer. "

Rodriguez se Raul Ibanez à décoller pour mettre fin à la partie supérieure de la neuvième baisse Ibanez à 0 pour 13 en trois matchs depuis son sommet en carrière de série 18-jeu frapper terminé jeudi.

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4:05 PM ET, August 15, 2010
AT&T Park, San Francisco, California

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Vaincre les Padres de San Diego pourrait être considéré comme une réalisation majeure pour les Giants de San Francisco. Pour Tim Lincecum, ça a été un peu plus facile.

Les deux-temps qui règne gagnant du trophée Cy Young aura le monticule qui cherchent à tirer le plus Giants aux Padres de NL-Ouest de premier plan dans la conclusion de cette série de trois matchs dimanche.

San Francisco (67-51) est le deuxième dans l'Ouest NL, 2 1 / 2 jeux derrière San Diego (68-47). Ce léger écart peut être attribuée à des Géants 2-8 record cette saison contre les Padres.

Ils n'ont fin d'une maison de six défaites séquence de la série samedi, comme Juan Uribe a prononcé un seul se déplace du module pour décrocher une victoire de 3-2.

«Ils nous appartiennent toute l'année," Les Géants de premier but Aubrey Huff a dit. "Il semble que nous correspondent bien. Ils viennent de sortir sur la fin gagner la plupart du temps. Nous avons finalement pris quelques pauses."

En dépit de son équipe aux prises avec les Padres, Lincecum (11-6, 3,41 ERA) est de 4-2 avec une MPM de 1,67 et 85 retraits au bâton en 75 manches 2 / 3 en 11 départs contre eux avec huit victoires en résultant Giants.

Le droitier, cependant, n'a pas été que dominant de la fin. Il cherche à éviter un sommet en carrière séquence de trois défaites après avoir tenu compte neuf points et 14 hits - trois circuits - avec 11 retraits au bâton en 10 1 / 3 manches sur ses deux derniers départs.

Il a été tiré après quatre manches dans 8-6 mardi la perte de Chicago, donnant une haute saison-lier six points.

"Tout le monde ici a des attentes élevées envers eux-mêmes et quand les choses comme ça, on se sorte de la porter», a déclaré Lincecum. «Évidemment, cela a été l'année la plupart des luttes pour moi, à la fois mentalement et physiquement, juste à essayer de comprendre mes mécaniciens et juste essayer de se sentir à travers elle."

Les Giants espoir Jose Guillen peut donner un élan à leurs aspirations en séries éliminatoires, comme il est prévu pour obtenir son premier départ. Ils ont acquis le voltigeur de droite de Kansas City le vendredi en échange d'un joueur à être nommé plus tard.

Il mise à la terre comme un frappeur suppléant en neuvième samedi, et a été au bâton 0,255 avec 16 circuits et 62 points produits avant d'être désigné pour assignation par les Royals le 5 août.

Les Padres, qui avait une séquence de cinq victoires arrêté samedi, espérons Wade LeBlanc (6-10, 3,51) peut poursuivre ses succès contre les Giants.

Le gaucher est de 2-0 avec une mpm de 1,93 en trois départs contre eux. Sa dernière rencontre avec le rival de division a entraîné une victoire de 3-2 au AT & T Park, le 11 mai. Cependant, il a lutté contre les problèmes de commandement et jeta 94 emplacements avant d'en sortir un sur timide de terminer la cinquième après avoir laissé deux points avec quatre buts sur balles.

LeBlanc a eu du mal sur la route depuis, de perdre cinq des sept départs avec une mpm de 5.72.

Il a travaillé à 106 places en 5 manches 2 / 3 de sa dernière sortie, mardi, mais a abouti à un seul passage avec une carrière de haut-lier huit retraits au bâton dans une victoire de 4-1 contre Pittsburgh.

«J'avais besoin de le faire, non seulement pour ma propre confiance en ce que je fais, mais peut-être pour montrer à ces gars que je suis toujours derrière eux et je travaille toujours pour eux", a dit LeBlanc site officiel de l'équipe.

Leblanc est aussi l'un des pichets top frapper au baseball. Il a une moyenne de 0,324 et a conduit sa carrière d'abord exécuter contre les pirates.

Watch Toronto Blue Jays vs Los Angeles Angels Live Stream MLB | August 15,2010

Watch Toronto Blue Jays vs Los Angeles Angels Live Stream MLB | August 15,2010 Sign Up and Relax, Enjoy MLB Streaming for 3 years. Sign Up once and Watch MLB Online Broadcast on your Desktop, Laptop, Office.

3:35 PM ET, August 15, 2010
Angel Stadium of Anaheim, Anaheim, California

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Après avoir signé une prolongation de contrat longue samedi, Ricky Romero vais essayer de récompenser les Blue Jays de Toronto en remportant pour la première fois dans sa ville natale de Los Angeles.

Romero allons aussi essayer de gagner sa troisième victoire consécutive lors de la pellicule des Blue Jays en place une série de trois matchs contre les Angels dimanche.

Toronto le directeur général Alex Anthopoulos enfermé Romero (9-7, 3,53 ERA) jusqu'en 2015 avec un contrat de 30,1 millions de dollars samedi. L'accord inclut une option club pour 2016, ce qui augmenterait la valeur de l'entrée en deuxième année du contrat à 43 millions de dollars.

"Il n'a pas coulé dans le moment, mais il ne va pas me changer en tant que personne», a dit Romero. «Je vais toujours être le même gars humble que j'ai toujours été. Comme je l'ai dit à plusieurs reprises, j'ai grandi avec le rêve d'un jour revêtir l'uniforme des ligues majeures et la hauteur dans un terrain de balle cour des grands. Donc ce n'est certainement pas me changer un peu. "

Romero, qui fut 13-9 en tant que recrue, est de 3-1 avec une MPM de 2.95 dans ses cinq derniers départs, mais a accordé cinq points en six manches, mardi soir contre Boston. Il s'est échappé sans une décision lors d'une défaite 7-5.

Romero, qui est né à Los Angeles et a joué à Cal State Fullerton, a eu un oubli mai retour 25 premiers comme il a été ajouté pour les sept points et un sommet en carrière-lier 11 hits plus de 5 1 / 3 manches d'une perte de 8-3. Le gaucher a été de 1-1 avec une mpm de 1,93 en ses deux précédents départs contre les Anges.

Cette fois, il sera jumelé avec un autre originaire de la Californie à Dan Haren (1-2, 3,00 ERA), qui tentera de gagner sa deuxième victoire depuis le claquement d'une carrière pire séquence de 10 matchs sans victoire.

Haren, acquis dans un Juillet 25 Commerce de l'Arizona, a été magistrale, mardi soir contre les Kansas City en allouant un point, cinq coups sûrs et un but sur balles en sept manches dans un gain de 3-1.

genre: «Vous oubliez genre de façon de gagner un match à un moment donné. C'est comme un frappeur de courir à la maison. Page d'accueil fonctionne aller en bottes," a déclaré Pierre Haren site officiel de l'équipe. «Je savais que j'avais fini par gagner."

Haren est 5-0 à ses six derniers départs contre les Blue Jays en dépit d'un EER 5,85.

Après un tronçon de 4-12, les Anges (60-58) a remporté pour la sixième fois en huit matchs, samedi, avec une victoire de 7-2. Contre l'équipe des "Majors" top home run-coups, Los Angeles se détache au début avec deux circuits de Bobby Wilson et un autre de Hideki Matsui, qui a terminé avec une saison de haute hits.

Bobby Abreu a 2 pour 3 pour améliorer sa moyenne de 0,400 (12 pour 30) depuis son arrivée à l'endroit leadoff 6 août.

Cogneur des Blue Jays de Jose Bautista, de son côté, aura une dernière tentative pour Homer dans sa série consécutive 12, la plus longue série depuis Ryan Howard s'enfonça plus de 13 d'affilée en 2006. Le voltigeur, qui a 16 de ses ligues majeures de pointe 36 circuits depuis Juillet 2, est de 1 pour 7 de cette série et a 1 pour 4 avec un circuit en solo contre Haren, le 21 mai.

Toronto (61-55) n'a pas remporté une série routier au cours des Anges depuis 16 au 18 mai 2006.

Watch Seattle Mariners vs Cleveland Indians Live Stream Major League Baseball August 15,2010

Watch Seattle Mariners vs Cleveland Indians Live Stream MLB | Major League Baseball August 15,2010 Sign Up and Relax, Enjoy MLB Streaming for 3 years. Sign Up once and Watch MLB Online Broadcast on your Desktop, Laptop, Office.

1:05 PM ET, August 15, 2010
Progressive Field, Cleveland, Ohio 
Felix Hernandez was so excited that the Seattle Mariners scored for him in his last start that he made it stand up with one of the best performances of his career.

He'll try to end a three-start skid on the road Sunday when the Mariners look to finish a three-game sweep of the Cleveland Indians.
Hernandez (8-9, 2.71 ERA) halted a personal three-game overall slide Tuesday in a 2-0 victory over Oakland. He struck out a career-high 13 and yielded five hits in eight innings.

Seattle (46-71) had been shut out in his previous two outings, and had given him total of one run of support in his last four before scoring in the sixth inning Tuesday.Watch Seattle Mariners vs Cleveland Indians Live Stream MLB | Major League Baseball August 15,2010
"I was like, 'Wow, we get a run.' I'm just kidding," Hernandez joked. "I was saying, 'Now you have to keep the lead.' That's what I do."

The right-hander is 0-3 with a 3.27 ERA in his last three road starts. He's 3-2 with a 3.71 ERA in seven career outings against Cleveland (48-69).

The Mariners won for the ninth time in their last 12 games at Progressive Field, 9-3 on Saturday. Seattle improved to 4-1 since interim manager Daren Brown replaced the fired Dan Wakamatsu.

Josh Bard hit his first career grand slam and finished with four hits. Bard fell a triple short of the cycle, lining out to left in the ninth inning.

"I want every hit, so I wanted that one for sure," Bard said. "If I got a triple, they'd probably have to put me on the disabled list."

Cleveland dropped to 3-11 at home since July 24 after starter Mitch Talbot failed to record an out in the fifth inning. Seattle scored five times in that frame to snap a 2-2 tie.

"Not a very good ballgame," manager Manny Acta said.

Indians shortstop Asdrubal Cabrera went 2 for 4, and is batting .379 (11 for 29) in his last eight games. Cabrera has two hits in three straight games.

Justin Masterson (4-11, 5.47) will start for Cleveland. He's failed to last past the sixth inning in his last three outings, going 1-2 with a 7.63 ERA.

The right-hander gave up seven runs over five innings Tuesday in a 14-8 loss to Baltimore, falling to 2-5 with a 4.18 ERA in 11 outings at home.

Masterson is 2-0 with a 1.56 ERA in five career appearances against the Mariners, including two starts. Mariners second baseman Chone Figgins is 0 for 9 with four strikeouts against him.

Right fielder Ichiro Suzuki is 4 for 9 in this series. Suzuki, though, is hitting .263 in day games this year compared to .333 in natural light in his career.

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1:10 PM ET, August 15, 2010
Great American Ball Park, Cincinnati, Ohio
Johnny Cueto has emerged as the Cincinnati Reds' No. 1 starter this season, but his seven-game suspension has forced the team to look elsewhere for a starter Sunday.
The Reds hope their former ace of the future can do an admirable job filling in.

Cincinnati still has high expectations for one-time top prospect Homer Bailey, who tries to complete a three-game sweep of the visiting Florida Marlins on Sunday in his first major league start in nearly three months.Watch Florida Marlins vs Cincinnati Reds Live Stream MLB Broadcast | Major League Baseball 15/8
Cueto had a rare rough outing Tuesday against St. Louis -- suffering his first loss since June 18 -- but the worst news came after it was over. The right-hander was suspended for seven games for his actions during the Reds' brawl with the Cardinals, forcing him to miss his usual rotation turn Sunday.

Cincinnati (66-51) will call on Bailey (1-2, 5.51 ERA) to step in, and they're hoping the No. 7 overall pick in the 2004 draft can finally flash the promise he showed as a minor league phenom. The right-hander went on the disabled list in late May with right shoulder inflammation, but is 2-1 with a 1.44 ERA in four games -- three starts -- rehabbing in the minors.

"I was healthy and getting my pitch count up, (and) obviously I was throwing well," Bailey told the Reds' official website. "I will just do whatever they say."

Bailey will likely end up in the bullpen when Cueto returns -- he's never been a reliever -- but for now he'll concentrate on trying to help his team finish off the Marlins (57-58). Bailey gave up five runs and eight hits -- two homers -- while walking four in 5 1/3 innings of a 5-3 loss at Florida on April 14.

Hanley Ramirez and Dan Uggla, though, are a combined 0 for 10 against Bailey.

While Cueto can't return until Aug. 21, manager Dusty Baker will be back from his two-game suspension Sunday.

The Reds haven't missed him too much. Cincinnati beat the Marlins 7-2 in Friday's opener, then escaped with a 5-4 victory Saturday to once again pull even with the Cardinals atop the Central.

Up 5-3 entering the ninth, closer Francisco Cordero loaded the bases with a hit and two walks before a double play helped him out of the jam.

"It wasn't pretty," said Cordero, who's walked nine in his last 6 2/3 innings. "I've got to stop walking people. I see how upset the fans are."

Anibal Sanchez (9-7, 3.33) tries to help his team avoid its first road sweep since dropping three games against the Mets from June 4-6, and he's been awfully tough to hit away from home recently. Sanchez followed his one-hitter at San Francisco on July 29 by holding Washington to two unearned runs over 6 2/3 innings Tuesday, outdueling rookie phenom Stephen Strasburg in an 8-2 win.

"Anibal had control of the game from the first pitch," manager Edwin Rodriguez told the Marlins' official website. "Another very strong outing from Anibal."

Sanchez, 2-0 with a 0.66 ERA in two starts against the Central, is 1-1 with a 4.50 ERA in two career games versus Cincinnati.

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Watch Los Angeles Dodgers vs Atlanta Braves Live Stream Major League August 15,2010

Watch Los Angeles Dodgers vs Atlanta Braves Live Stream MLB | Major League August 15,2010 Sign Up and Relax, Enjoy MLB Streaming for 3 years. Sign Up once and Watch MLB Online Broadcast on your Desktop, Laptop, Office.

1:35 PM ET, August 15, 2010
Turner Field, Atlanta, Georgia

Impressive starting pitching this month has kept the Atlanta Braves in control of the NL East. There's little reason to think that trend will change Sunday.

Only once in August has a Braves starter given up more than three runs, and Jair Jurrjens hasn't done that at home in more than a year heading into a matchup with the visiting Los Angeles Dodgers.

A big reason Atlanta (67-49) has a two-game division lead -- even with second-place Philadelphia on a 17-5 tear -- is a rotation which has a 1.60 ERA in 13 games this month. The club's starters are 5-2 in August -- the bullpen blew three other potential wins -- while holding opponents to a .210 average.

Jurrjens (4-4, 4.16 ERA) has gone 4-1 with a 3.14 ERA in eight starts since missing two months with a strained hamstring. He's pitched into the seventh inning in five of his last six, including 7 1/3 innings Tuesday as he gave up two runs -- one earned -- without getting a decision in a 4-2 win at Houston.

The Braves have won all six of his home outings this season as the right-hander has gone 4-0 with a 1.91 ERA. He's made 12 consecutive starts at Turner Field without surrendering more than three runs.

That streak dates back to his last outing against Los Angeles on Aug. 2, 2009, when he was tagged for four runs and 10 hits in five innings of a 9-1 loss.

This Dodgers team, though, has not scored more than three runs in 17 of its last 23 games. Los Angeles was shut out for the second time in three games Friday as Braves ace Tim Hudson went eight innings, then scored once in six innings against Derek Lowe on Saturday but won 2-1.

"We held them to two runs on 12 hits," Atlanta manager Bobby Cox said. "That's pretty darn good."

While Cox is retiring at season's end, the same may be true of Dodgers manager Joe Torre. He said Saturday he will decide by Labor Day if he'll retire after this season, not wanting to announce his plans until the team's postseason outlook is clear.

Torre made a major move this week in an effort to help the Dodgers' dim playoff hopes, replacing the struggling Jonathan Broxton with Hong-Chih Kuo as closer. Kuo worked a perfect ninth to save Saturday's game and said he could pitch again Sunday, though Torre is wary of using him on consecutive days and expects Octavio Dotel to serve as closer.

"He's been chomping at the bit to get the ball more often," Torre said of Kuo, who has allowed one run in his last 20 innings.

The Dodgers (60-57) snapped a three-game losing streak Saturday and won for the third time in 15 road games.

Vicente Padilla (6-3, 3.32) has had his share of problems on the road, posting a 5.14 ERA.

He hadn't allowed more than two runs in eight straight starts until Tuesday, when he gave up four runs in five innings but beat Philadelphia in a 15-9 victory.

The 12-year veteran snapped a six-game losing streak to the Braves when he last faced them in 2008.

Dodgers teammate Scott Podsednik, acquired from Kansas City on July 28, has posted five consecutive multihit games and is riding an 11-game hitting streak.

"I'm trying to validate the trade," he said. "I want to show people they made the right move."

Watch Los Angeles Dodgers vs Atlanta Braves Live Stream MLB | Major League August 15,2010.Watch Los Angeles Dodgers vs Atlanta Braves Live Stream MLB | Major League August 15,2010.Watch Los Angeles Dodgers vs Atlanta Braves Live Stream MLB | Major League August 15,2010.Watch Los Angeles Dodgers vs Atlanta Braves Live Stream MLB | Major League August 15,2010.Watch Los Angeles Dodgers vs Atlanta Braves Live Stream MLB | Major League August 15,2010.Watch Los Angeles Dodgers vs Atlanta Braves Live Stream MLB | Major League August 15,2010.Watch Los Angeles Dodgers vs Atlanta Braves Live Stream MLB | Major League August 15,2010.Watch Los Angeles Dodgers vs Atlanta Braves Live Stream MLB | Major League August 15,2010.Watch Los Angeles Dodgers vs Atlanta Braves Live Stream MLB | Major League August 15,2010.Watch Los Angeles Dodgers vs Atlanta Braves Live Stream MLB | Major League August 15,2010.Watch Los Angeles Dodgers vs Atlanta Braves Live Stream MLB | Major League August 15,2010.Watch Los Angeles Dodgers vs Atlanta Braves Live Stream MLB | Major League August 15,2010.Watch Los Angeles Dodgers vs Atlanta Braves Live Stream MLB | Major League August 15,2010.Watch Los Angeles Dodgers vs Atlanta Braves Live Stream MLB | Major League August 15,2010.Watch Los Angeles Dodgers vs Atlanta Braves Live Stream MLB | Major League August 15,2010.Watch Los Angeles Dodgers vs Atlanta Braves Live Stream MLB | Major League August 15,2010.Watch Los Angeles Dodgers vs Atlanta Braves Live Stream MLB | Major League August 15,2010.Watch Los Angeles Dodgers vs Atlanta Braves Live Stream MLB | Major League August 15,2010.Watch Los Angeles Dodgers vs Atlanta Braves Live Stream MLB | Major League August 15,2010.Watch Los Angeles Dodgers vs Atlanta Braves Live Stream MLB | Major League August 15,2010.Watch Los Angeles Dodgers vs Atlanta Braves Live Stream MLB | Major L

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1:35 PM ET, August 15, 2010
Nationals Park, Washington, D.C.

Washington Nationals phenom Stephen Strasburg said worrying over his recently healed shoulder helped lead to the worst outing of his brief major league career.
Having seemingly put that anxiety behind him during a bullpen session a couple days ago, Strasburg will try to bounce back Sunday against the Arizona Diamondbacks.

Strasburg (5-3, 3.07 ERA) told the Nationals' official website that he was fixated too much on his mechanics during an 8-2 home loss to Florida on Tuesday night. The rookie right-hander gave up a career-high six runs over 4 1/3 innings, his shortest outing in 10 starts.Watch Arizona Diamondbacks vs Washington Nationals MLB Live Stream | Major League Broadcast, 15/8
All six of the hits he allowed went for extra bases in his first start since going on the disabled list July 29 with inflammation in his pitching shoulder.

"This is the first time in the relatively short career that I've had where ... not one pitch felt like I controlled it," Strasburg said.

During that ensuing bullpen session, Nationals pitching coach Steve McCatty told his young pitcher to worry more about the batters he's facing. Strasburg is restricted to no more than 160 innings this year, and he's logged 114 over 21 games with the Nationals and their minor league affiliates.

"We can't think about our mechanics (while we're on the mound)," McCatty said. "You have to trust yourself to make competitive pitches at the time. If we worry about where we are and everything being perfect and all that -- like mechanics -- it takes away what we are trying to do with the hitter."

While Strasburg was laboring Tuesday, Diamondbacks rookie Barry Enright was putting forth another strong effort in a 2-1 win at Milwaukee. Enright (3-2, 2.64) will oppose Strasburg after giving up one run and three hits over six innings, though he did not get a decision.

"He did his job, six innings, totally controlled the game," manager Kirk Gibson said of Enright, 1-0 with a 2.12 ERA in three road starts. "I don't know if you guys notice how good he is controlling the run game, too. It was obvious he was getting tired, but he found a way to get through it."

It was the seventh time in eight starts that the right-hander has allowed two runs or fewer, including his last six. One of those outings was a win over Washington (50-67) on Aug. 5, giving up only solo homers to Ryan Zimmerman and Adam Kennedy over six innings in an 8-4 victory.

In this matchup, he'll try to lead the Diamondbacks (47-71) to their fourth series victory in five tries.

Arizona was held to four hits in a series-opening 4-2 loss but bounced back with 14 hits Saturday in a 9-2 win. Miguel Montero hit two of the Diamondbacks' four homers, and he's batting .340 with six home runs and 14 RBIs in his last 14 games.

The Nationals, losers in six of seven, haven't dropped a series to Arizona since the first one between the clubs at Nationals Park from July 8-10, 2008. The teams have split their six games in 2010.

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Watch Baltimore Orioles vs Tampa Bay Rays Live Stream, August 15,2010

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1:40 PM ET, August 15, 2010
Tropicana Field, St. Petersburg, Florida

Jeremy Hellickson hasn't needed a learning curve, and the Tampa Bay Rays can't afford to give him one.
The promising 23-year-old right-hander looks for a third consecutive win to begin his career when the Rays conclude a three-game set against the Baltimore Orioles on Sunday.

Hellickson (2-0, 1.29 ERA) is considered one of the top pitching prospects in baseball, a reputation bolstered by a 12-3 record, 2.45 ERA and 123 strikeouts in 117 2/3 innings over 21 starts for Triple-A Durham this season.Watch Baltimore Orioles vs Tampa Bay Rays Live Stream MLB | Baseball League Online, August 15,2010
Moving to the majors hasn't posed much of a problem.

Hellickson won his debut Aug. 2 by yielding two runs and three hits with six strikeouts in seven innings of a 4-2 win over Minnesota. He followed that eight days later with an even better performance, allowing three hits and fanning seven without a walk in seven innings of an 8-0 win at Detroit.

"I felt really good," said Hellickson, who retired 18 Tigers in a row after yielding a game-opening single. "As long as I can throw my curveball for a strike, I feel I can be successful."

The Rays need Hellickson to keep performing at a high level considering they are missing starters Wade Davis and Jeff Niemann, both on the disabled list with shoulder injuries. Another strong effort in his first game against Baltimore (41-76) could help the second-place Rays (70-46) continue applying significant pressure on New York atop the AL East.

"He knows how to pitch, that's for sure," right-hander James Shields told the team's official website. "He's got really good command of his pitches. He knows where each one of them is going. That's one of the main differences between the minor leagues and the major leagues."

While Hellickson immediately dominating is a bit of a surprise, Tampa Bay got a stunning performance in Saturday's 7-3 win over the Orioles. Catcher Kelly Shoppach had two homers, including a grand slam, and a career-high five RBIs as the Rays tied a season high with 15 hits.

They had been hitting .213 over the previous 19 games, and Shoppach entered with a .195 average and one home run in 38 games.

"It had to happen at some point, you'd like to think," manager Joe Maddon said. "We've had plenty of baserunners, a lot of opportunities. We've just not been able to finish the deal."

Baltimore is trying to rebound from its third loss in 12 games since Buck Showalter was hired as manager.

Showalter will get another look at rookie Jake Arrieta (4-3, 5.29), who attempts to improve upon a rough outing in Tuesday's 14-8 win at Cleveland.

The 24-year-old right-hander allowed six runs, including five in a rough fourth inning. He responded with two scoreless innings before exiting and posted his first win in five outings since July 11, leaving Showalter impressed.

"It's good to see Jake fight his way through that," Showalter told the team's official website. "A lot of guys would have put a tent up around them and shut it down, but (he) went back out there and gave us another (two innings)."

Arrieta struggled in his only start against Tampa Bay on July 20, giving up five runs and two homers in 5 1/3 innings of an 11-10, 13-inning win.

Watch Baltimore Orioles vs Tampa Bay Rays Live Stream MLB | Baseball League Online, August 15,2010.Watch Baltimore Orioles vs Tampa Bay Rays Live Stream MLB | Baseball League Online, August 15,2010.Watch Baltimore Orioles vs Tampa Bay Rays Live Stream MLB | Baseball League Online, August 15,2010.Watch Baltimore Orioles vs Tampa Bay Rays Live Stream MLB | Baseball League Online, August 15,2010.Watch Baltimore Orioles vs Tampa Bay Rays Live Stream MLB | Baseball League Online, August 15,2010.Watch Baltimore Orioles vs Tampa Bay Rays Live Stream MLB | Baseball League Online, August 15,2010.Watch Baltimore Orioles vs Tampa Bay Rays Live Stream MLB | Baseball League Online, August 15,2010.Watch Baltimore Orioles vs Tampa Bay Rays Live Stream MLB | Baseball League Online, August 15,2010.Watch Baltimore Orioles vs Tampa Bay Rays Live Stream MLB | Baseball League Online, August 15,2010.Watch Baltimore Orioles vs Tampa Bay Rays Live Stream MLB | Baseball League Online, August 15,2010.

Watch Detroit Tigers vs Chicago White Sox Live Stream, August 15 2010

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2:05 PM ET, August 15, 2010
U.S. Cellular Field, Chicago, Illinois

The Chicago White Sox have the best record in baseball over the last two months, but a disappointing stretch of late has them looking up in the AL Central.
Hoping to avoid becoming the first team in nearly three months to lose a home series to the Detroit Tigers, the White Sox send Freddy Garcia to the mound against his favorite opponent in Sunday's series finale.

Chicago (65-52) was headed for its second straight win in this series Saturday night, but Alex Avila hit a two-run homer off substitute closer J.J. Putz in the ninth inning to give Detroit a 3-2 victory. Although the White Sox are a major league-best 41-19 since June 9, they have lost six of nine to drop two games behind Central-leading Minnesota.Watch Detroit Tigers vs Chicago White Sox Live Stream MLB | Online Broadcast Baseball League, August 15 2010
Even their play at home has suffered lately. Chicago has lost four of seven at U.S. Cellular Field after a 19-1 stretch there.

Putz worked the ninth with regular closer Bobby Jenks out with back spasms. Jenks isn't expected to pitch Sunday, either. After a day off Monday, the team will decide if he needs to go on the disabled list.

"I don't think he'll be ready by Tuesday," manager Ozzie Guillen said. "I hope he is. But you can't even move today and all of a sudden Tuesday you're fine?"

Detroit (56-60) won for only the second time in 15 road games and gave itself a chance to end a string of 10 straight road series losses dating to a two-game sweep at Oakland in May.

"I've been around this game long enough to know we've got to start to put something together," Detroit's Brandon Inge said. "This one was huge."

Getting that elusive road series win won't be easy against Garcia (10-5, 4.90 ERA), who should be happy to see the Tigers after a miserable performance. The veteran is 3-0 with a 2.75 ERA in three starts this season against Detroit and 18-5 with a 3.66 ERA in 29 career outings, including 9-1 in the last 12. The 18 wins are his most versus any opponent.

Garcia lasted only 2 1/3 innings Tuesday in a 12-6 loss to the Twins, allowing six runs and eight hits -- three of them homers. Although he was 7-1 in his previous 12 starts, the right-hander failed to complete three innings for the second time in four outings.

Miguel Cabrera had another quiet game Saturday for the Tigers, going 1 for 3 with a walk. Cabrera, second in the majors with 94 RBIs, is 7 for 35 with one RBI in his last 12 games. He is 5 for 32 against the White Sox this season.

Also struggling for the Tigers is rookie Brennan Boesch, who struck out four times. He is batting .125 over his last 29 games, dropping his average from .342 to .277.

Armando Galarraga (3-5, 4.48) looks to end a personal four-game losing streak for Detroit. The right-hander is 0-4 with a 5.31 ERA in seven starts since beating the Mets on June 24. He has only one win in 11 outings since nearly throwing a perfect game June 2.

Poor control was an issue again Monday in a 6-3 loss to Tampa Bay as Galarraga allowed four runs, five hits and four walks over five innings. He had five walks against Chicago on Aug. 4 as he gave up four runs in 7 2/3 innings of a 4-1 loss.

Galarraga is 0-1 with a 5.60 ERA in his last three road starts against the White Sox.

Paul Konerko is 6 for 11 with a homer and two doubles against him.

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Watch Pittsburgh Pirates vs Houston Astros Live Stream, August 15,2010

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2:05 PM ET, August 15, 2010
Minute Maid Park, Houston, Texas

J.A. Happ has had two solid home starts sandwiched around a disastrous road outing since joining the Houston Astros.

Another game at Minute Maid Park -- and his opponent -- should have him feeling great about start No. 4.
Happ tries to continue his strong pitching in Houston in Sunday's series finale against the Pittsburgh Pirates, who hope to ignite their NL-worst offense in time to avoid a ninth straight road loss to the Astros.

Happ (2-1, 3.45 ERA) was the lone major leaguer Houston (50-65) received when it traded Roy Oswalt to Philadelphia last month, and the left-hander hasn't disappointed in his two home starts.Watch Pittsburgh Pirates vs Houston Astros Live Stream Mlb | League Broadcaster, August 15,2010
He held Milwaukee to two hits over six innings in a 5-0 win July 30, and after being chased in the second inning Aug. 4 at St. Louis, he limited Atlanta to a run and two hits over 6 1/3 innings Tuesday.

The Braves scored three times in the ninth to win 4-2, and Happ was excited to bounce back.

"Tonight I was better at mixing things up and throwing more strikes," Happ said. "I was around the plate and still kept the ball where it needed to be a lot more often tonight."

Walks have been Happ's one concern. He has 11 in 13 1/3 innings with the Astros and 23 in 28 2/3 overall in 2010.

The Pirates (39-77) walk only more frequently than Houston in the NL, however. Pittsburgh is far more used to striking out, which it did 17 times -- 14 against starter Bud Norris -- in a 3-2 loss Saturday night.

"It's getting to be old. Our pitchers are pitching well, but we can't get any runs for them," manager John Russell said. "We got two runs early, and I thought that would help them relax a little bit, but we ended up striking out 17 times."

The Pirates have been outscored 40-16 in losing all eight of its games in Houston, and facing Happ probably isn't the best way to avoid a third consecutive sweep there. Happ was 1-1 with a 2.40 ERA in two starts against Pittsburgh with the Phillies as a rookie.

Leadoff hitter Andrew McCutchen is 3 for 7 with a homer against Happ.

Jeff Karstens (2-8, 4.39) gets the ball for the Pirates hoping to end his string of five consecutive losses. He's generally pitched well in that six-start stretch, posting a 3.71 ERA, but Pittsburgh has only scored six runs in the 34 innings he's been on the hill.

Karstens held San Diego to three hits and two runs over six innings Tuesday in a 4-1 loss.

"There are always a couple guys that (a lack of run support) happens to, but it's going to make me better, I believe," Karstens told the Pirates' official website. "It's helping my confidence knowing that even when games are like that, I know that I can pitch and keep my team in the ballgame."

Karstens is 1-1 with a 5.60 ERA in four games -- three starts -- against Houston.

Hunter Pence, who homered and drove in the tiebreaking run Saturday, is 3 for 7 with a homer versus Karstens. He's hitting .432 (16 for 37) with three homers and eight RBIs in 11 games against Pittsburgh.

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Watch New York Yankees vs Kansas City Royals Live Stream August 15,2010

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 2:10 PM ET, August 15, 2010
Kauffman Stadium, Kansas City, Missouri
Alex Rodriguez and Bryan Bullington are both former top overall draft picks. That's about the only thing they have in common the way their careers have turned out, with Rodriguez hitting 604 home runs and Bullington still searching for his first career win.

Rodriguez will face the player drafted No. 1 overall nine years after him for the first time Sunday as the New York Yankees and Kansas City Royals finish a four-game series at Kauffman Stadium.Watch New York Yankees vs Kansas City Royals Live Streaming Baseball | Mlb August 15,2010
The Yankees slugger blossomed into an immediate superstar after being selected by Seattle in 1993 and now ranks seventh on the career home run list with 604. The latest evidence was his three-homer game in Saturday's 8-3 victory, marking the fourth time he has accomplished the feat.

The three-time AL MVP drove in five runs to take over the major league lead with 97 RBIs.

"It was a lot of fun," said Rodriguez, who served as the DH and should return to third base Sunday. "Overall, I've been feeling pretty good the last few days. I've had some pretty good sessions with Kevin Long, our hitting coach."

Rodriguez is 14 for 32 with four homers and 14 RBIs against Kansas City (48-69) this year. He went deep in the sixth, seventh and ninth innings Saturday.

"He was dead on today, that's for sure," Royals manager Ned Yost. "I don't know which was more amazing -- the ball to center or the ball to left there in the fountain. He got a hold of both them."

It's been a completely different career trajectory for Bullington (0-2, 4.85 ERA), a former No. 1 overall draft pick by Pittsburgh in 2002. He's 0-7 with a 5.02 ERA in 19 career appearances with four different teams, including 0-6 with a 6.59 ERA in six starts heading into his first appearance against the Yankees (72-44).

The right-hander gave up five hits and three runs in six innings in his first start since Sept. 28, 2008 -- a 3-1 loss to the Los Angeles Angels on Tuesday.

"I wanted to come out and be aggressive and throw strikes, and I felt like I did that. I was able to make some pitches to get out of a couple of situations, but I missed a few spots," Bullington said. "I threw the slider for strikes when I needed to and I was able to get some swings and missed out of some, too."

Rodriguez's big night helped New York maintain its two-game lead over Tampa Bay in the AL East. Every Yankee starter had at least one hit, as the club finished with 14.

The Yankees will start A.J. Burnett (9-9, 4.87), who has been successful against Kansas City in the past. His 2.96 ERA against the Royals is his second-lowest against any AL team bettered only by his 2.43 mark against New York.

Burnett is 3-2 in those outings against Kansas City. He will finish the road trip after starting it Tuesday by allowing three runs over seven innings in a 4-3, 10-inning loss to Texas.

The veteran right-hander has struggled with his control, hitting an AL-high 13 batters and also throwing 11 wild pitches.

Sunday's contest will mark the midpoint of a stretch of 20 straight days with a game for the Yankees. Manager Joe Girardi has indicated that regulars such as Derek Jeter will receive rest at some point in this span.
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